10 ways to get inspired

10 ways to get inspired

We often wait for inspiration, for the perfect moment of revelation, which should come to us at an unexpected moment, and which we consider as a symptom of genius. The problem is that sometimes it doesn’t want to come.

Nowadays, we have access to a lot of materials and various guides that can help us effectively when creating our own creative work. It is worth using it, because it will allow us to avoid many mistakes, make our designs much more interesting, and we will easily find solutions that seem unattainable to us. Where is the best place to get ideas? How to get inspired? This is what I will talk about in today’s post.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

1. Observation of the surroundings

Every item, building or place has a potentially amazing story. Even the most banal, least significant object can be the source of a fascinating idea.

2. Books

Bookstores and libraries are filled with a wide variety of books. Walking between the shelves, we can find a lot of literature, guides, biographies, travel guides or recipes. There are so many of them that it is impossible to list all the categories. What is certain is that we can all find something for ourselves.

3. Photos

In the era of well-developed social media, finding interesting shots of beautiful places, inspiring people or ordinary moments is no problem. Regardless of who took the photo, there is a story in it.

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

4. Music

Some people need absolute silence to work. However, certain types of music have been shown to have a positive effect on the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for generating ideas.

5. Films

You will find dozens of different types of videos on the Internet. Sites like YouTube offer tons of motivational and inspirational videos. Also, we cannot forget about professional film productions, great cinema hits, TV series and documentaries. They all bring a handful of inspiration.

6. Other artists’ works

I know that I am not revealing anything new to you at this point. Nevertheless, this method works practically always. Go to exhibitions, watch films, read.

7. Tutorials

Tutorials provide step by step instructions to help us learn difficult concepts as well as build our practical skills. By following the teacher, we can find technical solutions for our ideas.

Photo by Wahid Khene on Unsplash

8. Long conversations

It’s a great idea to have long conversations so talk and listen to what others say. Each, even seemingly uninteresting, anecdote from your roommates can turn into a brilliant idea.

9. Travels

Travels force us to leave our comfort zone. Being away from home, we encounter new ideas that can change the way we think. The places we visit and people we meet can inspire us in an amazing way.

10. Creative exercises

Creative exercises such as brainstorming and mind mapping stimulate our creativity and help us organize our ideas. Train often, share your ideas with others and learn from other people’s experiences.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

According to my experience, the more you want to get out of the creative impasse, the worse the situation becomes. This is when frustration and fatigue appear.

In such and similar situations you just need to refresh your mind, get some air, or… have a look at this list. I hope that it will prove invaluable support for you in any crisis moments.

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